Dahlia Anemone (8)
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Dahlia Ball (17)
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Dahlia Cactus/Semi Cactus (43)
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Dahlia Collerette (15)
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Dahlia Decorative (52)
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Dahlia Fimberated (7)
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Dahlia Paeony, Single, Star (24)
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Dahlia Plants (189)
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Dahlia Pompon (11)
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Dahlia Waterlily (16)
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Dahlias are members of the Compositae family that includes asters, helianthus, chrysanthemums and other species. Originally they were found growing, to heights of around 3 metres, in the mountainous regions of Mexico and Central America where the Aztecs are believed to have used their long hollow stems for irrigation pipes. The Conquistadores brought seed to Europe where, throughout the 19th Century intensive selective breeding generated the prototypes of the numerous varieties and cultivars that we have today.
Our Gold Medal-Winning collection is listed under 9 categories that incorporate the 14 group classification system used by the National Dahlia Society, as Internationally agreed in 2010 to classify dahlias according to shape and size. We also include ‘Hardiness’ information that conforms to the RHS Hardiness Ratings for all plants. We indicate their suitability for exhibition, garden use, patio planting and for cut flowers. Dahlias, depending upon the variety, vary from being frost hardy to frost tender. Their blooms can range in size from miniature (less than 10 cm diameter) through to giant (over 25 cm in diameter) with corresponding plant heights and spreads. They grow best in well-drained, humus-rich soil in full sun sheltered from strong winds. They flower from midsummer through to the first frosts.
We supply dahlias as tubers available from January to March and as plug plants (well-rooted cuttings) from March to April. They are all sent with instructions for their cultivation. Our tubers have been grown from cuttings over a full season and are ideal for propagating, for pot growing, or for planting out directly once all risks of frost are past. Our plug plants are supplied ready for potting on, initially under glass and then outside once temperatures are suitable. Our pot plants are supplied hardened ready for potting up or for planting out in the garden once all risk of frost is over.
To ensure that the highest quality is maintained during transit orders are sent in specialised packaging appropriate to the product. We have one standard charge for postage and packaging that is applied for each delivery.