Gladioli Large Flowered (63)
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Gladioli Medium Flowered (5)
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Gladioli Small Flowered - Nanus (22)
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Gladioli Species (3)
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Gladioli Collections (8)
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Gladioli, sometimes known as Sword Lillies, are members of the Iridaceae family, originally from South Africa, the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern regions. Now there is an abundance of varieties of Gladioli with an extensive range of shapes and sizes, with colours ranging from the purest white through subtle shades to deeper hues, some bicoloured or with mixed tints and exquisite markings.
Gladioli sizes can range from miniature species less than 20 cm tall with small florets, small and medium flowered varieties 60 to 100 cm tall with flowers 5 to 10 cm across and the large flowered with blooms up to 17.5 cm across with plants growing up to 180 cm in height. Across our range we have cultivars suitable for exhibitors, for gardeners, for patio planting and for cut flowers.
For the benefit of exhibitors, specialist growers and all who are interested in Gladioli, we include in our product information list the 3 digit world-wide code as used by the British Gladiolus Society to classify gladioli according to floret width, colour and colour strength. We also include ‘Hardiness’ information that conforms to the RHS Hardiness Ratings for all plants.
We supply customers with corms from our Gold Medal-Winning collection. Our corms are all of top quality and optimum size, 12-14 cm for the Large and Medium Flowered varieties and 8+ cm for the Small Flowered. They are all sold in packs of 10, with instructions, ready for seasonal planting. Our single standard charge for postage and packaging applies for all Gladioli orders.
Our Gladiolus CORMS are available from FEBRUARY until MAY.