Dahlia Decorative

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Decorative dahlias are favourites of exhibitors and gardeners alike and are popular with flower arrangers. hey have fully double flowerheads, showing no central disc, that range in size from miniature to giant with ray-florets that are broad and flat, or involute for less than three-quarters of their length, terminating in blunt pointed ends. The plants have a corresponding range of heights and spreads.

One well-known and ever-popular variety, that has received the ‘RHS Award of Garden Merit’ is the 90 cm high ‘David Howard’ with its soft bronze-orange, 10 cm wide, flowers that are set against a dark foliage on a bushy plant.

Our collection includes established and newer varieties that we have displayed at recent shows with a range of sizes and colours from pure white, shades of yellow, orange, pinks and reds, blues and bronzes through to the darker hues.

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